Sunday, April 29, 2012

There's nothing more Dutch than tulips ...

Just a short update tonight - it has been a long and eventful day.

Today we spent most of the day at Keukenhof, a park outside of Lissebroek. Keukenhof is a 38 hectare park full of tulip gardens. We have had mostly grey, overcast weather since arriving, but were lucky today to get some beautiful sunny breaks while at the park. Keukenhof is spectacular - they say there are over 4.5 million bulbs planted. It seems like there must be more. No description we could provide here would do it justice, so we will add some pictures to this post when we are able. And do we have pictures.

Tonight, we spent some time after dinner wandering a few different neighborhoods in the Old City. The street parties have begun. There are masses of people all over the city. There are bands in city squares and in front of bars - it is really something to experience. There are narrow city streets that are jammed with people and virtually impossible to navigate. Don't really know what else to say about it tonight - it is actually quite overwhelming. But people are great - friendly and welcoming ... more on all of this later. Good night.

1 comment:

  1. Wow - what a great blog! Looks like you are having a great trip and love the pics that are already posted. Dolly
