Sunday, April 29, 2012

There's nothing more Dutch than tulips ...

Just a short update tonight - it has been a long and eventful day.

Today we spent most of the day at Keukenhof, a park outside of Lissebroek. Keukenhof is a 38 hectare park full of tulip gardens. We have had mostly grey, overcast weather since arriving, but were lucky today to get some beautiful sunny breaks while at the park. Keukenhof is spectacular - they say there are over 4.5 million bulbs planted. It seems like there must be more. No description we could provide here would do it justice, so we will add some pictures to this post when we are able. And do we have pictures.

Tonight, we spent some time after dinner wandering a few different neighborhoods in the Old City. The street parties have begun. There are masses of people all over the city. There are bands in city squares and in front of bars - it is really something to experience. There are narrow city streets that are jammed with people and virtually impossible to navigate. Don't really know what else to say about it tonight - it is actually quite overwhelming. But people are great - friendly and welcoming ... more on all of this later. Good night.

Friday, April 27, 2012

Arrived Safely in Amsterdam

We arrived safely in Amsterdam today. It was an uneventful journey, which is always a good thing. We flew over on a Boeing 777-300 with KLM. What a huge plane. It boggles the mind that something that big and that heavy, with that may people on board can actually lift off the ground. The plane has 63 rows, and apart from Business Class and a few rows at the back of the plane, there are 10 seats across. That's a lot of people.

We landed in Amsterdam almost a half hour early - at 6:30 am. The sun was just coming up and we flew over some amazing tulip fields on our descent into Amsterdam ... beautiful. We had a fabulous dinner tonight at a small little restaurant called "Humphrey's" ... it was very good. We then walked a few miles after dinner, and are now settled back at the hotel. It will be an early evening to catch up on some rest before the rest of the weekend. You can already feel the party-vibe on the streets with all the extra 'imports' into the city for Queen's Day on Monday.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

We're off across 'The Pond'

Well, it is here ... Tonight we head out. It has been a busy week getting things ready and wrapped up, but I think we are set. We are, at the very least, more than ready for a holiday, so it will be a good break.
We'll post an update when we arrive in Amsterdam on Friday!


Thursday, April 19, 2012

7 more sleeps ...

This time next week, we will be in Toronto preparing to head to the airport.   On Thursday night, we leave for Amsterdam.  We are spending several days in Amsterdam, and then we are moving on to a driving holiday in Switzerland and Austria.  From Geneva, we are heading to Interlaken for a few days.  From there, we will head to Salzburg and then Vienna, which will be our furthest point east.  After Vienna, we start our journey back west, stopping in Innsbruck and then finally to Montreux on Lake Geneva.  We have several days in each location, so we will have time to explore.

In Amsterdam, we are staying at Hotel Estherea (  We stayed here a few years ago when we were in Amsterdam, and really enjoyed the hotel.  It is a small-ish family-run hotel in the old city centre.  It is a collection of five 17th century canal row houses that have been "merged" into the hotel.   The staff was great, and made us feel very welcome.  It is a good spot to spend a few days to settle in after our trans-Atlantic flight.

Hotel Estherea at night

Hotel Estherea at dusk

Our 'room with a view' (last visit)

We are in Amsterdam for "Queen's Day", or “Koninginnedag”  - a National holiday that celebrates the Dutch Monarch.   Queen's Day was first celebrated in 1885 on August 31st after the birth of Queen Wilhelmina in 1880.  Beginning in 1948, after Queen Juliana's ascension to the throne, Queen's Day has been officially celebrated on her birthday - April 30th.   Queen Beatrix, after succeeding her mother in 1980, continues to call April 30th Queen's Day in commemoration of her mother.

Queen's Day has been called one of the world's largest street parties, and it is said that festivities in Amsterdam rival those of Mardi Gras in New Orleans and New Year's in in Time Square.  The city is bathed in orange as people hit the streets and canals dressed in the National colour.

Queen's Days Past ...

This is going to be fun !!!

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Easter Weekend at Sleeping Giant

Sleeping Giant Provincial Park