Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Oahu: The North Shore Part 1

We are enjoying our time on the North Shore.  The cottage we are staying at is very nice - it is part way up the mountain from the coast at Pupukea Beach.  There is an amazing mix of plants around the cottage - bamboo, many different types of palms, a papaya tree, a pomelo tree, a small banana grove and  lots of small flowering shrubs.  The road is a dead end, but there are a lot of homes on it so there is a fair bit of traffic noise in the early morning - not sure if people are heading to work, or off to the surf.   The house next door has a lot of chickens - we don't need an alarm clock because the roosters start crowing around 5:30, and the vast array of birds starts chiming in shortly after.   This is a great way to ensure we make the most of each day!

We spent most of Monday at Waimea Beach - some sunning and lots of swimming in the waves.  The surf is amazing and we are taking a stab at body surfing.  The lifeguards are really good at watching over the swimmers and pointing out the safe areas of the beach for swimming.

Waimea Bay Beach from Puu o Mahuka Heiau State Park

Yesterday, we hiked out to the most westerly point of Oahu - Ka'ena Point.  It is a State Park kept as a Natural Area Reserve and is the last "natural and untouched" coastlines on Oahu.  We saw many humpback whales off the point - they were very far out, but it was still easy to see them breach.

Surf at Ka'ena Point

Ka'ena Point State Park

Laysan Albatross nesting at Ka'ena Point

There were steady rainshowers overnight with a cold front moving through.  The forecast today is "chilly", with temperatures around 78 degrees - guess we will need to bundle up!!!   The surf forecast is waves potentially reaching 30 feet with the front, so we are off touring to try to find some.  Aloha for now!

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