Saturday, March 20, 2010

Spring is in the air!

This shot of two American Goldfinches was actually taken on January 1, but it is not unlike the antics we have seen on the feeders over the past couple of weeks.  The birds have been on a feeding frenzy, and the courtship rituals on display have been very entertaining.  

There have been dozens of American Goldfinches (which, unusually, stayed all winter) along with the usual flocks of Redpolls, Pine Siskins, Blackcaps and Jays.  We had a flock of Pine Grosbeaks that frequented most of the winter, and several Evening Grosbeaks have been visiting recently also.  And the ever-viscious Nuthatches never seem to let up for long either.

The Purple Finches have returned (a sure sign of Spring!).  And the local news reports that the recent warm weather has brought the bears out of hibernation early, so it is now time to take the feeders down until next winter.  We will miss the daily entertainment, but will gladly welcome Spring!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

It's St. Patrick's Day!

Well, we have been out of touch for too long now.   We did not have internet access our second week in Hawaii.  And since returning to Thunder Bay, it has been a whirlwind.  Work for both of us has been extremely busy, and on top of that, we both got socked with dreadful colds.  For me, it was the worst cold I have had in years. 

But we are both pretty much back to normal now, so we will try to get back on track and fill you in on our last week on Kauai (it was amazing, btw), along with a few pictures soon ...

But in the meantime ...

Lá Fhéile Pádraig Sona Duit
(Happy St. Patrick's Day)

And if someone comes up and says " Pionta Guinness, le do thoil ", this is what they are looking for:
A pint of Guinness, please

So remember ...

Enjoy the day!    Cheers!