Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Let it snow, let it snow ...

We were able to enjoy a few wonderful days with Mom & Dad over Christmas ... it was a nice relaxing visit.  There was a light dusting of snow Christmas morning, but this quickly changed to rain showers that lasted most of the day.

We more than made up for a green Christmas when we returned home to 18 inches of snow.  The trees were laden, and it was beautiful.

We're looking forward to a nice quiet New Year's Eve at home.   Steak and lobster on the barbeque with a nice bottle of wine will do nicely ... and follow that up with a bit of bubbly.  If it is clear, the full moon should be beautiful ... may have to attempt a bon fire too!

Happy New Year to all our family and friends.   May your homes and hearts be filled with much joy and love in 2010!

Cheers ...

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Merry Christmas!

   From our house to yours ...

A very Merry Christmas to all
along with our wishes for the best of all good things in 2010!

J & R

Friday, December 11, 2009

And so it begins ...

We have been planning on starting a blog for some time now, as a way of keeping in touch with friends and family.  We followed jobs here to Thunder Bay in 2007.  In doing so, we were fortunate to move closer to siblings in Northern Ontario and Manitoba that we would seldom see, but unfortunate in that we moved far away from family and friends in Southern Ontario.

Though time seems to always get away from us, we will try to post updates with interesting bits and pieces that we'd like to share.

Cheers .........